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LGBTQ+ Affirming Care

MultiCare’s commitment to exceptional LGBTQ+ care

Having access to care in a safe environment free from discrimination and bias are key elements for positive health outcomes for patients. MultiCare is committed to providing quality, compassionate care to all of our patients and creating safe, caring spaces for everyone — including our LGBTQ+ communities.

Inclusive care improvements

MultiCare has taken a number of steps to ensure our health and wellness services are fully inclusive and respectful of people who identify as LGBTQ+ so we can meet their needs and help them live healthy lives. Next you’ll find a list of the steps we’ve taken to ensure our care is LGBTQ+ affirming. This list will be updated as we continue to evolve.

LGBTQ+ focused improvements

In addition, MultiCare is engaged in the following work on an ongoing basis:

  • Providing visual statements of our commitment to diversity
  • Giving trainings to all staff on LGBTQ+ care
  • Participating in the Healthcare Equality Index (HEI), an assessment developed by the Human Rights Campaign, and improving annually
  • Partnering with the Rainbow Center in Tacoma to provide additional training and resources to care teams

Healthcare Equality Index

The Healthcare Equality Index is an assessment developed by the Human Rights Campaign for hospitals to ensure high-quality care for LGBTQ+ patients. MultiCare has participated in the HEI since 2019, and we continue to be recognized for our LGBTQ+ care. We are committed to continuing to improve our services and systems for our LGBTQ+ communities.

HEI scores for MultiCare hospitals can be found on the Human Rights Campaign website.

Find an LGBTQ+ affirming provider

While all providers at MultiCare receive annual training on LGBTQ+ care, others take additional steps to develop their knowledge and understanding of specific LGBTQ+ issues. MultiCare is developing a provider directory for LGBTQ+ patients to find providers who go above and beyond and have been screened to meet additional criteria such as extra medical training, lived experiences as an LGBTQ+ person and more. It’s important to feel understood by your provider, and our goal is to connect you with a care team that does just that.