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Jin Mou, MD, PhD – Senior Research Epidemiologist

Jin Mou, MD, MSc, MPH, PhD

Senior Research Epidemiologist

[email protected]

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About Dr. Mou


  • Post-doctoral Fellow Evidence Based Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada 2015
  • PhD Public Health, School of Public Health & Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK), Hong Kong 2010
  • MPH Health Education & Health Promotion, College of Science and Health, University of Wisconsin, La Crosse, WI 2004
  • MSc Health Economics, School of Public Health, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 1999
  • MD Preventive Medicine, School of Public Health, West China University of Medical Sciences, Chengdu, Sichuan, China 1996


Dr. Mou received her Ph.D. in Public Health in Hong Kong in 2010. She has broad training in public health, evidence-based health care, clinical epidemiology, and health economics. She was a lead scientist and public health physician at Shenzhen Center for Disease Control & Prevention, servicing a population of 16- 18 million. She established and led one of Asia’s largest rural-urban migrant cohort studies, recruiting more than 4,000 working migrants. This research focused particularly on women, health care utilization and health behaviors. Dr. Mou’s research spectrum extends from migrant heath, emerging infectious diseases to chronic diseases, patient-centered outcomes, and screening of complex chronic conditions including cancer. She has studied breast cancer screening at Cambridge University, UK, and served on the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Screening Review Board.

During her post-doctoral training at the University of British Columbia, she completed the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership Project (ICBP Module 3, BC Section I; BC Cancer Agency, Canada and Cancer Research, UK), looking specifically at the role of primary care in diagnosing cancer. She also worked on colorectal cancer screening data (~ 1.5 million patients) with experts from McGill University (CIHR, Canada).

Dr. Mou’s work at MultiCare involves design, analyses and interpretation of retrospective observational studies, patient cohort research, interventional studies including randomized clinical trials, and longitudinal cancer registry data (NCI 1UG1CA189952). From 2018-2020, Dr. Mou served as co-PI on a study that used MultiCare’s electronic health records (over 8,000 cases), harnessing IBM’s artificial intelligence analytics to support clinical geneticists’ decision-making relative to genetic investigations specifically for a rare disease (MPS; BioMarin). As a site-PI, she works with teams from University of Washington-Seattle on diverse federal grants funded studies including the Seattle Obesity Study (NIH R01DK076608) and the validity and reliability of survey measures for cancer screening project (USCDC Special Interest Project). Dr. Mou was the PI for the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI) P2P project.

Dr. Mou is an active peer reviewer or consultant for PCORI, NAPCRG, the US Department of Labor and many health research journals. She serves PLOS Global Public Health as a Scientific Editor and is a Fellow of The American College of Epidemiology. Dr. Mou is passionate about working with patient communities, clinicians, and other stakeholders. She believes that good research leads to better practice.

Research Interest

Dr. Mou is specifically interested in health disparities, community-based health services and chronic disease screening, and is skilled in study design, evidence synthesis, epidemiological or clinical outcome interpretation and data mining. She has expertise in meta-analysis, modeling, and statistics, with a deep background in quantitative studies, including randomized controlled trials and other types of observational and interventional projects. In her most recent projects, Dr. Mou has been working on social determinants of health, screening as a tool for health equity improvement, and behavioral interventions. Dr. Mou current research themes span from cancer treatment delay, disease screening in vulnerable clinical populations, maternal marijuana exposure, sleep apnea and of chronic disease comorbidities. She has collaborated with clinicians to focus on obstructive sleep apnea and its concurrent comorbidities such as heart failure, drug-resistant hypertension, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) since 2016. In the recent two years, Dr. Mou has been heavily involved in projects with foci on COVID-19. The Hispanic patients’ knowledge, attitudes and practices study investigates vaccine confidence, particularly regarding flu vaccine (Merck), whilst the patient-reported outcomes (PROs) project aims to understand long COVID comparing mAb treated cohorts with other COVID patients (MHS Foundation). She advises clinical investigators on study design, implementation, result interpretation, and publications.


Select Peer Reviewed Publications


Chronic Diseases

Obstetrics & Gynecology

  • Straub HL, Mou J, Drennan KJ, Pflugeisen BM. Maternal Marijuana Exposure and Birth Weight: An Observational Study Surrounding Recreational Marijuana Legalization. Am J Perinatol. 2021 Jan; 38(1):65-75. doi: 10.1055/s-0039-1694793. Epub 2019 Aug 20. PMID: 31430821.

Adolescent & Young Adult Oncology

Health Care Services

  • Hanevold, C., Halbach, S., Mou, al. Changing outpatient referral patterns in a small pediatric nephrology practice. BMC Pediatr 18, 195 (2018). doi: 10.1186/s12887-018-1164-1
  • Hurt TL, Whitesell R, Mou J, Pflugeisen B. Does mentoring by orthopedic surgeons improve forearm fracture reduction outcomes by pediatric emergency physicians? Evaluation of a process improvement intervention program. The Journal of Emergency Medicine. 2019 Aug 1;57(2):140-50.
  • Pflugeisen BM, Mou J. Patient Satisfaction with Virtual Obstetric Care. Maternal and Child Health Journal. 2017 Jul;21(7):1544-1551. doi: 10.1007/s10995-017-2284-1. PubMed PMID: 28176034.

Projects/Research Support

Setting Up a Community Based Patient Cohort to Understand Long COVID: Monoclonal Antibody and Post- infection COVID Vaccine Administration as the Foci

  • MultiCare Foundation, 03/15/2022-09/14/2023
  • Principal Investigator

Understand Blood Pressure Control and Obstructive Sleep Apnea: A Stroke Prevention Pilot Study

  • Florence A. Hillard Foundation, 10/01/2021-04/23/2023
  • Principal Investigator

Investigator Studies Program (MISP, #60677) Understanding Patients’ Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices (KAP) during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Hispanic Population as a Focus

  • Merck Sharp & Dohme Crop., 12/15/2020-06/15/2022
  • Principal Investigator

Validity and reliability of survey measures for lung, cervical, breast, and colorectal cancer screening in the redesigned National Health Interview Survey (UW-Seattle)

  • USCDC – Special Interest Project (SIP) Grants: Cancer Screening Project (U48 DP006398), 09/01/2020-09/29/2024
  • Site Principal Investigator

Understanding cancer patients’ experiences during COVID-19 pandemic

  • Andy Hill CARE Fund, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center COVID-19/Cancer Data Project, 07/31/2020-01/31/2022
  • Site Principal Investigator

Understanding two key co-morbidities in hospitalized patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or congestive heart failure

  • Marco J. Heidner Foundation, 09/20/2018-10/31/2020
  • Principal Investigator

Food environment, diet quality and disparities in obesity (SOS III Cohort Study)

  • NIH NIDDKR01, 2R01DK076608-08A1, 04/01/2016-07/31/2021
  • Site Principal Investigator