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Cancer Survivorship

Helping you feel your best and stay healthy

At MultiCare, our concern for your well-being doesn’t end with your final cancer treatment. Our survivorship team recommends treatments, therapies and personalized support to help you feel your best and stay healthy. Together, we help you plan the ongoing services you need to continue healing.

Personalized survivorship plans

For many people, life after cancer is different. You may not have energy for the activities you once enjoyed. You may also worry the cancer will return. We understand your concerns and put a survivorship plan in place to prevent these problems from holding you back. Together, we work with you to make sure you thrive after treatment.

Your survivorship plan may include recommendations for:

  • Ongoing testing to monitor for cancer recurrence and screen for new cancers
  • Therapy and rehabilitation services, such as speech therapy, to address complications of cancer treatment
  • Lifestyle changes, such as increasing physical activity, so you can get your energy back
  • Immunizations to protect you against conditions survivors are at higher risk for, including the flu
  • Emotional and mental health services to help you work through feelings you may be experiencing or address challenges you are facing
  • Medical imaging tests and treatments with a cardio-oncology specialist for any ongoing heart problems you experience during or after cancer treatment
  • Advance care planning to ensure you always have a voice in your health care
  • Follow-up visits so we can adjust your care plan as needed

Find care

Our extensive team of cancer specialists deliver the care you need and the support you deserve.