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Migraine & Headache Care

We all experience the occasional headache, but sometimes headaches occur so frequently and cause such severe symptoms that they interfere with our ability to function in our daily lives. In some cases, headaches can be a symptom of a serious underlying condition.

At MultiCare, we evaluate and treat several types of headaches:

  • Migraines. Migraines may cause throbbing or pulsing pain, often only on one side of the head. Lasting anywhere from a few hours to a few days, migraines may be accompanied by visual auras (when you have blurred vision or see spots) as well as sensitivity to smells, noises or light. Some people may also experience nausea or vomiting. Once the acute phase has subsided, migraines can leave people with a “hangover” sensation, such as a heaviness or achiness in the head.
  • Tension headaches. The most common type of headache, tension headaches may cause mild to moderate pain that feels like an ache across the entire head. Other symptoms include muscle tightness in the head or neck. Typically, tension headaches are not associated with visual disturbances, vomiting or nausea.
  • Cluster headaches. Cluster headaches are rare and often have a sudden onset. They tend to occur frequently over a period of time — for example, a person who has five or more headaches over the course of a week may be experiencing cluster headaches. Symptoms may include sharp pain on one side of the head, often around one of the eyes, restlessness or agitation, and congestion or runny nose.
  • Rebound headaches. These headaches are caused by regular, long-term use or overuse of medications to treat headaches. While pain relievers can relieve occasional headaches, taking them more than a couple times a week can trigger rebound headaches.

Diagnosing and treating headaches

In addition to reviewing your medical history, discussing your symptoms and conducting a neurological exam, your doctor or other health care provider may recommend medical imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan. Learn more about types of neurological testing.

Your treatment plan depends on a variety of factors, including the severity and frequency of your symptoms and whether you have other medical conditions. Your treatment plan may include:

Medications. There are a variety of medications available to treat headaches and migraines, including prescription and over-the-counter options. Some medications are preventive while others are intended to relieve symptoms when they occur.

Lifestyle modifications. A number of lifestyle factors can contribute to or trigger headaches and migraines. As part of treatment, your provider may discuss adjusting your sleep habits, dietary habits and electronics use as well as effective ways to manage stress and anxiety.

Find care

Our neurologists will work closely with you to form a personalized treatment plan. A referral from your primary care doctor may be required.