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Patient Resources

Our commitment to your neurological well-being extends well beyond the walls of our hospitals and clinics. We understand your condition has a significant impact on your daily life and the lives of those who support you. Explore the links below to find reputable information about neurological conditions and resources to support your recovery.

Support groups

Sharing your experiences, trials and triumphs alongside others dealing with a neurological disorder can help make your road to recovery easier. National, local and hospital-based support groups are available:

Information about neurological disorders


  • American Stroke Association. This division of the American Heart Association provides prevention education, resources and community programs to promote longer, healthier lives and better stroke recovery.
  • National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. This institute is funded by the U.S. government and provides public education about strokes and neurological conditions, as well links to patient organizations and government resources.

Brain tumors

  • American Brain Tumor Association. This organization is committed to finding a cure for brain tumors by funding brain tumor research. They also provide educational resources and links to social and emotional support groups.


  • American Epilepsy Society. This community of professionals is dedicated to improving outcomes for persons with epilepsy through funding research. They provide a list of evidence-based epilepsy self-management programs.
  • Epilepsy Foundation. This foundation promotes awareness and funds epilepsy research, among other endeavors. People with epilepsy can find resources for managing their condition, including a seizure tracking app and printable educational materials.

Movement disorders

Multiple sclerosis

  • The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers. Find a comprehensive list of free resources for patients with MS, including information about life with MS, nutritional management, symptom management and other topics.
  • Multiple Sclerosis Association of America. This national nonprofit provides a full range of resources, including educational articles, wellness information, resources on the benefits of aquatic exercise, a helpline and an online community forum.

Neuromuscular diseases

  • Muscular Dystrophy Association. This nonprofit foundation offers an extensive list of resources for families, including travel tips, clinical trials, newborn screening information and a helpline. They also offer a summer camp.

Vestibular disorders

Find care

Our neurologists will work closely with you to form a personalized treatment plan. A referral from your primary care doctor may be required.