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Labor & Delivery

Your new baby will be everything to you. Providing you with the best care possible is everything to us. At MultiCare, we know that the labor and birthing process is a highly individual experience. We strive to honor your birth plan as much as possible, understanding that your preferences for pain medications or other interventions may change as your labor progresses.

At each MultiCare birth center, you’ll find a compassionate team of nurses and providers who work together to monitor the health of you and your baby, support your comfort and healing and prioritize a safe delivery.

Birth centers at MultiCare

MultiCare’s family birth centers offer a homelike environment for you and your newborn — a welcoming, nurturing space where medical care is available should you or your baby need it. We offer a full range of birthing and labor support choices, from unmedicated options to epidurals.

Following birth, our commitment is to keep your baby with you in the room, unless there’s a need for extra medical care, and to support you and your family’s needs. Our birth center teams provide attentive care, aiming to make you as comfortable as possible while supporting a safe delivery and recovery.

Birthing suites

We are committed to making your birth experience a special one. Our spacious birthing suites offer a comfortable atmosphere for you, your partner and visitors. Designed to provide a soothing environment, our birthing suites come equipped with TV, a sound system, as well as your own whirlpool bath.

Private post-delivery rooms also include overnight sleeping accommodations for you, your newborn and a partner. These rooms are equipped with a mini-refrigerator you can stock with your favorite snacks, and they also have an entertainment center with TV and DVD player.

A dedicated nurse will support you throughout your entire stay, offering patient-centered care, education and encouragement.

Birth and baby classes

From parenting classes to breastfeeding support, we offer tools and resources to support you after your baby is born. Learn more about our childbirth and baby care classes.

Expert care for high-risk pregnancies

Sometimes challenges can affect your health or the health of your unborn baby. Our high-risk pregnancy care features a robust team of specialists and programs tailored to your needs. At MultiCare, your newborn will also have access to advanced care in our neonatal intensive care units (NICUs), should complications arise. Learn more about high-risk pregnancies.

Comprehensive support for cesarean deliveries

Many babies make their entrance into the world through a vaginal birth; however, in some cases your doctor may recommend a surgical delivery through a cesarean section (C-section). If you are planning to have a C-section birth, we follow the Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) plan, which helps prepare your body for the procedure, supporting your recovery and facilitating a return home as soon as possible after surgery.

How the ERAS program can help

The ERAS plan helps you and care providers work together to:

  • Minimize your risk of post-operative complications
  • Keep your pain level under control
  • Get you out of bed and moving sooner
  • Facilitate eating and drinking as soon as you are able
  • Keep your hospital stay short
  • Improve your satisfaction and support a positive hospital experience

What should I expect before my surgery?

After you discuss the upcoming surgery with your provider, a member of your care team will discuss your role in the ERAS plan. You will be given important details about how to prepare your body for surgery, including:

  • Eating a light meal eight hours before surgery
  • Fasting
  • Drinking a complex carbohydrate drink (like Gatorade or a clear protein drink) a few hours before your scheduled surgery

What should I expect when I arrive at the hospital?

This is an important birth day! Your care team will welcome you and help you prepare for surgery. One of our team members will insert an IV to deliver medications that help with inflammation, pain control and nausea. We will also discuss how you would like to welcome your baby into the world.

What happens after my surgery?

After your C-section, you will recover in our family birth center. Our priority is to have your baby safely stay in the room with you. You will be encouraged to start eating normally, caring for your baby and walking as soon as you are able. The catheter in your bladder will be removed once you are walking, and your IV will be removed when it is safe to do so.

The ERAS plan helps you transition to your “normal self” sooner, builds your confidence and supports your ability to care for your newborn.

FAQ about labor and delivery

Childbirth is one of the most exciting, special and personal experiences of a lifetime. We put together a list of frequently asked questions about the labor and delivery process at our facilities to help you prepare.

What can I do to prepare for delivery while I’m pregnant?

An important first step is taking the time to choose a provider who is right for you and your family, whether that’s a certified-nurse midwife, an OB/GYN or a family medicine physician who also specializes in obstetrics. Find a provider.

Next, ensure your infant will have a safe ride home from the hospital by obtaining a car seat and installing it correctly. Visit the Mary Bridge Children’s Center for Childhood Safety to learn more about child restraint laws in Washington and how to choose the right car seat. The center also offers virtual and in-person (for those in the Tacoma area) car seat checks with experienced child passenger safety technicians. Visit Safe Kids Worldwide to find car seat inspection stations across the state of Washington.

What happens when I arrive at the birth center or hospital?

Once you arrive for labor and delivery, you will first check in at the nurse’s station. The nurse will take you to the triage room to assess you and your baby and consult with a physician. If you are still in the early stages of labor, it may be too early to admit you to a delivery room. A nurse will help you decide next steps.

Will my provider be at my birth?

Your provider can deliver your baby as long as they enjoy full delivery privileges at our birth center. We recommend talking with your provider beforehand about whether they will be present during the birth.

If your provider is unable to attend, we have obstetricians in-house ready to support you 24 hours a day.

How will you keep my baby safe?

The safety of you and your baby is our primary concern before and after birth. At all of our birth centers, each infant wears a band that will cause an alarm to sound if they go beyond the unit’s locked doors. To help you easily recognize our staff members, each member of the obstetrics unit has pink on their name badge.

What happens after my baby is born?

After the birth, you will have time to rest and recover before we transfer you and your baby to your private room. We understand you will want to spend precious time with your newborn, so the baby will be with you at all times. A family member or primary support person is also welcome to share these special moments with you.

In the hours after birth, our staff will:

  • Administer tests to ensure your baby is healthy and to identify any conditions such as hearing loss or jaundice
  • Show you, as needed, how to care for your baby from changing a diaper to bathing.
  • Provide guidance and support about feeding your baby, including breastfeeding if you choose this method

How long will I stay in the hospital after my baby is born?

The length of your hospital stay will depend on the circumstances of your labor and delivery experience. Following an uncomplicated vaginal birth, most patients will spend 24-48 hours in the hospital. Patients who experience cesarean delivery may spend up to 72 hours in the hospital. Your health care provider will discuss your discharge plan with you and ensure you feel prepared to take care of your infant at home.

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