Focus on relationships during your weight-loss journey

April 13, 2020 | By Collette DeMonte, PsyD

Living a healthy lifestyle is not just about eating foods that fuel your body and getting enough exercise. Research indicates the quality of social relationships has both negative and positive influences on health and well-being. Here are 10 strategies to strengthen your relationships and positively impact your weight-loss journey.

  1. Talk about expected changes early. Diet and food changes may affect the people you live with. Talk about these changes up front so you are all prepared for the impact.
  2. Voice the support you need. Let people know how they can help you on your journey. Perhaps they can remind you to drink more water, be a walking buddy, or just offer encouragement when things get difficult. Remember, people won’t know what you need unless you tell them.
  3. Listen to the concerns of others. Friends and loved ones may be worried you expect them to change their lifestyle when they are not ready to do so, and that this could impact your relationship.
  4. Set new goals. Find goals you can work on with others that are important and attainable to you both. This way you’ll have someone to keep you motivated along the way and you’ll have someone to celebrate your successes with.
  5. Express gratitude. Lives get busy and it is easy to forget, but remember to say “thank you.” These two small words can make a great impact.
  6. Reconnect with old friends. For one reason or another we all lose touch with friends along the way. Reach out and say hello.
  7. Find support where needed. Sometimes the people in your life cannot provide the support you need. Don’t hesitate to look elsewhere, such as a local support group or professional counseling.
  8. Keep talking. Saying something once may not be enough. For example, maybe you have started taking a Tuesday night yoga class but your significant keeps trying to schedule other activities. Kindly remind them of your goals and the importance of your new activity.
  9. Practice patience. When you are changing a behavior, you may experience feelings of frustration if others are not being supportive. Sometimes people just need time to adjust to their loved one’s new behaviors.
  10. Be adventurous. Relationships tend grow when people get out of their comfort zones and try something new!
Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss