Following in her father’s footsteps

June 18, 2021 | By Kevin Maloney
Father and daughter smiling at the camera
We’ve all seen a car pulled off to the side of the road. For some, it is nothing more than a momentary distraction from their driving. But, for people like Randy Scott, it is an opportunity to help someone in need. As a father of four, his kids were used to long road trips with their dad and stopping to come to a stranger’s rescue.

“As a little kid, I thought the stops were annoying, at first. After I started to pay attention to them, I would ask a lot of questions and I learned a lot by watching his actions,” Randy’s daughter Cylee explained.

These days Cylee has many of the answers to her questions she once asked her father. Following in her father’s footsteps, today Cylee is a Certified Medical Assistant (CMA) at MultiCare Rockwood Clinic Quail Run. Randy is a CMA at MultiCare Rockwood Clinic Northpointe.

“I’ve always wanted to be the person in his shoes where I have the knowledge to help someone who doesn’t realize that they need the help that they are getting,” Cylee said.

For the last 32 years, Randy has volunteered as an advanced Emergency Medical Technician (E.M.T) while working full-time in a clinic setting for the last 16 years. But caring for others seems to be second nature to the Scott family – Randy’s mother and father also volunteered as EMTs.

The Scott’s family dinner table conversations sounded more like super hero stories ripped from the pages of a comic book. Randy has delivered babies on the side of the road and has held people as they died in his arms. One of those people was a friend of Randy’s, who was in a tragic car accident. When Randy ran to his rescue, he found his friend near death. As Randy held him in his arms, he could tell the end was near. A few minutes later, he shared his last words with Randy. “Tell my wife I love her.” Days later, on the day of the funeral, he gave that message to his friend’s wife.

It’s moments like these that have decorated his career, in and out of the clinic, that have left an impact not just on Randy but his family as well.

“My Dad, means everything,” Cylee said, fighting tears. “He showed me what it means to care for others and the value of hard work,” she said.

Although it is not very often that the two have worked together, Randy’s care was well recognized by his MultiCare colleagues.

“A lot of people ask about my dad and ask me when he is going to come to our clinic,” Cylee said. “It makes me so happy that people are comfortable with him and want him to be a part of our (clinics) team.”

This November, Cylee is expecting her first child and her father’s seventh grandchild. Recently, she found out that he will be a boy and paid her father the ultimate compliment.

“My Dad is the man I want my son to become,” Cylee said tearfully.

Happy Father’s Day.

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