Charting a path of growth and purpose at MultiCare

January 26, 2023 | By Karen Takacs
Woman stands in front of a window smiling at the camera

In 2007, Wendy Edwards wanted to break into the field of health care. Fifteen years later, she has held four different roles at MultiCare Rockwood Clinic, earned a master’s degree and become a clinic supervisor.

Edwards has stayed with Rockwood for almost two decades because the culture allows her to be herself, she says.

“Anyplace that takes away your uniqueness is not a place I want to work,” she adds.

She’s found a good fit, with room to grow, at MultiCare Health System.

Laying the groundwork

To get started in health care, Edwards pursued a certification in medical billing and coding in 2007.

“I just wanted a medical job in general that was stable,” she says, observing that Spokane offered many health care jobs.

Edwards applied for entry-level positions, finding one as a surgery scheduler with the MultiCare Rockwood Digestive Health Center. She spent four years in that role, building her professional skillset and her relationships with teams across the clinic.

When she was ready for the next step, Edwards took a position with the Centralized Authorization Team (then called Rockwood Referrals). Several years later, she moved to another job as a financial counselor in the obstetrics and gynecology department. She grew to love the team there, flourishing in the supportive environment. Since the manager for that team had recently left the organization, she stepped into a leader-like position.

Having gotten a taste for leadership, she applied for a supervisory role at Rockwood in 2018. When she didn’t get the job, she decided to go back to school instead.

Making time for education

Taking advantage of MultiCare’s tuition reimbursement program, Edwards entered a master’s program in health care leadership at Western Governors University (WGU).

After graduating in 2019, she applied for and received a supervisory position in the MultiCare Rockwood Northpointe Specialty Center orthopedics department.

Clearing the way for excellent care

Since 2020, Edwards has been in her current role supervising the Rockwood Main urgent care and primary care access clinics. She finds joy and purpose in removing obstacles for providers and staff so they can be at their best as they care for patients.

“I facilitate their needs,” she says. “I do things like submit help tickets, balance everyone’s scheduling needs and offer training resources.”

Edwards does whatever will help her teams succeed, even if that’s making sure the heat is still on during the weekend. Between administrative tasks, she walks around to check on the receptionists, the nurses’ station and anyone caring for patients. Her goal is to make sure everyone has what they need to do their jobs well that day.

“I enjoy the fascinating variety of care we offer and the caring teams we have created.”
— Wendy Edwards

Reflecting on her path

Edwards appreciates the supportive environment at MultiCare and the chance to develop her career.

“The growth opportunities afforded to a person who is willing to work hard and adjust to feedback are plenty,” she says. “I’m now making about 22 percent more than I was making as a financial counselor. The steps I’ve taken have been worth it professionally and financially.”

Her favorite part of working at MultiCare is the people.

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