Keep moving while social distancing

April 30, 2020 | By

The best exercise for your physical and mental health at this time is walking outdoors in your neighborhood since parks and most businesses are closed. This way you can have some limited social interaction and enjoy nature. Always keep social distancing rules in mind and remember that walking can be a very effective method for weight loss as well as hormonal balance.

If the weather doesn’t allow you to get outdoors, there are plenty of indoor exercise options including chairs, dumbbells, resistance bands and body weight exercises. You do not need any equipment to workout indoors as your own body weight can provide more than enough resistance.

There are many online resources to help you plan a workout schedule. Some popular online options include Orange TheoryPlanet FitnessYMCAFitness Blender and a variety of other programs via YouTube and apps.

For a full list of at-home exercise resources that are appropriate for your physical capabilities contact your dietitian.

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