Mary Bridge Children’s Courage riders share their motivation to pedal

July 23, 2019 | By MultiCare Health System

By Kortney Scroger and Laura McDonald

For nearly three decades, cyclists, Rotarians and Mary Bridge supporters have participated in Mary Bridge Children’s Courage.

This event has seen thousands of participants and volunteers, lots of smiles and nearly $13 million raised for Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital and Health Network.

Ask anyone who has participated in Courage and they’ll tell you it’s an unforgettable experience. We asked several riders why they ride, and every answer had one thing in common: they ride to support care and healing for children.

Scott Hatteberg

He hit one of the most famous home runs in Major League Baseball. He’s been portrayed on the big screen by Chris Pratt. And he’s riding Courage this August to support Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital.

Scott Hatteberg might be best known for having his story portrayed in the 2011 movie “Moneyball.” But these days, when he’s not at his day job working in baseball operations for the Oakland Athletics, you can catch him riding his Cannondale around Steilacoom and Point Defiance.

Hatteberg’s family members (owners of Harmon Brewing Company) have been Courage volunteers for many years. As an avid road and mountain biker and longtime resident of Gig Harbor, Hatteberg’s first Courage ride was in 2017. He’s back again this year and riding with team Eldorado, pictured above. He’s looking forward to his first ever ride up and down Blewett Pass.

“The views are gonna be worth the whole ride itself,” Hatteberg says.

Tiffany and Bryan Bird

The Birds have been riding Courage together since 2012. Their motivation for riding has always been children in need.

“We ride Courage because kids are our future and we want to speak for and help those who are unable to help themselves,” they say.

Chandru Narayan

Year after year, Chandru Narayan has been a top fundraiser for Courage. In his 13 years of riding, he’s raised more than $84,000 for the children of Mary Bridge.

“I ride for the kids because they are our future,” Narayan says. “I made a solemn promise to my parents that I will support children’s causes all of my life. This is what I intend to do.”

Corrina Lorenz

Corrina Lorenz has been a Courage rider for eight years. She’s hosted bake sales and even created a cycling tutu to spark conversations about the ride. Her motivation to ride with Courage is the families in her community.

“I ride because of the stories I’ve heard from the mouths of parents who got assistance from Mary Bridge when their medical bills piled up,” Lorenz says. “It is truly heartwarming and tear-jerking to learn about the people’s experiences. I ride to support the kids and parents in Puget Sound.”

Rob Love

If you’ve been to MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital or Mary Bridge, you’ve probably seen Rob Love. He’s part of the team that keeps the grounds of both hospitals looking beautiful all year.

Rob has participated in Courage for years and there are several reasons he keeps coming back.

“I ride because it’s the motivation I need to get into better shape,” Love says. “I ride because it’s fun and challenging. I ride because it’s something I can do to help make a difference for children in my community. And did I mention it’s a lot of fun?”

Sign up to ride Mary Bridge Children’s Courage

Courage is a weekend cycling adventure on August 24 and 25 benefiting patients and families at Mary Bridge. Join these riders and support kids in your community by registering for Courage or making a donation.

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