Mary Bridge Children’s helps Naomi live her best life

November 17, 2020 | By Kortney Scroger
Little girl on playground smiling
Since she was only a few days old, Naomi Myers, has had surgeries, scopes, a tracheostomy and follow-up care with Mary Bridge Children’s, only a short drive from where she lives and plays.

In 2019, Naomi Myers was recognized as the Patient Hero Award at Mary Bridge Children’s annual Bridge Builders Luncheon celebrating donors to Mary Bridge Children’s. She received this award because of her perseverance during her first five years of life.

Naomi was born with congenital laryngeal web, which means she has extra tissue connecting her vocal cords. It affects her voice and her ability to breathe.

At five days old, Naomi had her first surgery. That’s when she met Mark Boseley, MD.

Dr. Boseley is part of Mary Bridge Children’s Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinic, helping thousands of patients each year. Like Naomi, he was also recognized in 2019 at the Bridge Builders event as a Mary Bridge Children’s Physician Hero.

“Dr. Boseley was the best gift we didn’t know we needed,” Naomi’s mom, Kristin Wright, says. “We’ve always felt super supported and empowered to make decisions for Naomi. We always have felt like we are on a team with him and everyone at Mary Bridge Children’s.”

Services supported by donors to Mary Bridge Children’s through the Mary Bridge Children’s Foundation, such as Child Life, helped reduce any stress or anxiety Naomi felt about her surgeries and procedures. According to Naomi’s parents, she “never lost her joy” thanks to her Mary Bridge Children’s care providers and resilient spirit.

After 59 days in the hospital, 15 sedations, six surgeries and three intubations, Naomi is a six (and a half) year old who is extremely social, healthy and full of energy. Aside from the tiny scar on her neck, you would never know that this child running around a playground was hospitalized a handful of times.

“She’s doing really well,” her mom, Kristin Wright, says. “Although we are always monitoring the web, it seems to remain steady. And, now that Naomi is old enough, she is able to alert us if anything is wrong.”

Thanks to the care Naomi has received at Mary Bridge Children’s, Naomi is living her best life, playing with friends, going to school (virtually) and spending time with her family.

Kids' Health
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