Patient gets his life back after rehabilitation at Good Samaritan Hospital

August 23, 2021 | By Karen Takacs
Patient and provider posing for picture

Matt Thoms had been dealing with low back pain and numbness in both of his legs off and on since he was a child. At age 16, he underwent a lumbar fusion and then went a number of years without pain and numbness. But, in the past 15-20 years, he began to have some numbness and weakness but nothing that was constant or would interfere with his work and daily life.

Suddenly, in August 2018, Thoms experienced progressive weakness and numbness in both of his legs. He went to the emergency department and was admitted for emergency lumbar decompression surgery. When he woke up from surgery, Thoms still had significant weakness and numbness and was unable to walk or take care of himself on his own. He was completely dependent on a wheelchair to get around.

To help him return home, Thoms was admitted to the MultiCare Good Samaritan Inpatient Regional Rehabilitation Center where he received three hours of physical therapy and occupational therapy five to six days a week for just over a month with the primary focus of helping him be able to go home safely.

“There were days I might not have been up for therapy, but the team would motivate me to do what I needed to get better,” says Thoms. “I made such good connections with everyone. The nurses called me, ‘Trouble.’ They took the extra time to get to know me and made it a fun experience. I enjoyed giving them a hard time, too! Good Samaritan has some really caring nurses and therapists.”

Thoms was able to return home with his wife who helped take care of him. He then started outpatient rehabilitation at MultiCare Good Samaritan Hospital where he has worked with Lauren Christianson, a physical therapist, and Heather Bethards, physical therapy assistant one to two times per week.

When he first started outpatient rehab, Thoms was still primarily using a wheelchair. Today, he is now able to walk with two walking sticks or without his walker for short periods of time and is able to walk long distances with his walker. He is no longer using his wheelchair for mobility and has been able to return to working, driving, mowing his lawn, pruning his trees and working in his shop.

Thoms has loved working with Christianson and Bethards in physical therapy. “Lauren has been persistent with me and has pushed me. Because of her, I am no longer stuck in a wheelchair,” says Thoms.

“It’s a testament to all of his hard work!” says Christianson.

He said that he appreciated using the Zero G, a robotic body-weight support system, for working on balance and walking. However, the highlight for him in outpatient therapy has been aquatic therapy with Christianson. He really enjoys working on his balance and walking in the water.

In regard to his overall experience, Thoms says “I wouldn’t change this for the world. I have met such wonderful people. Good Samaritan is the best!” His advice to others in need? “Do your homework!”

Learn more about rehabilitation services offered at MultiCare.

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