7 steps to prepare for Hoopfest

May 18, 2023 | By Samantha Malott
Two men playing basketball at Hoopfest tournament
From uneven courts, soaring temperatures and multiple games in one day, follow our guide to get yourself ready for Hoopfest.

Are you ready for Hoopfest?

Even the world’s top athletes need to train for game day. When it comes to a weekend-long tournament on the hot downtown streets of Spokane, you’re no different.

Follow our step-by-step guide to help you get in tip-off shape and promote a safe and healthy tournament.

One month out

  • Learn the event — Whether you’ve played before or it’s your first time, remember that playing on the downtown courts is different than anywhere else.

Street courts aren’t the level, smooth surface you’re used to, so be prepared for a higher level of physicality. It will be a long day — and being surrounded by tall buildings also means warmer temperatures and less airflow. Even if the air temperature is 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the asphalt itself can be 100 degrees or more.

All those differences lead us to the next four tips.

  • Stretching and mobility — Two of the most common and serious injuries we treat during Hoopfest are Achilles and ACL ruptures. These injuries occur most often in players who didn’t take the time to improve their stability and mobility, and who hit the courts cold without stretching.

Try incorporating these exercises into your weekly workouts (the sooner, the better):

  • Calf raises
  • Standing calf stretch
  • Single-leg stances for 20 seconds, each leg, three times a day
  • Jump up and down on toes, three sets of 20
  • Body-weight squats, three sets of 10-15
  • Lateral shuffle, three sets both ways, 10-15 yards each direction
  • Hit the court for practice at least one to two times a week

Two weeks out

  • Acclimatization — While the temperature averages mid-70s for Hoopfest, weather is unpredictable. It’s been known to reach the 90s or hit us with a cold snap.
    The good news: We typically know what to expect a few weeks out and can take steps to reduce our risk of heat illness or other weather-related conditions.

As the forecast becomes clear, try practicing or playing some pickup games in similar conditions. Learn which of your clothes will be most breathable in the heat or how many layers you’ll be comfortable in if it’s cold. This will also give your lungs a chance to acclimate to conditions such as humidity or dry, hot air.

One week out

Medical tent under Spokane pavilion

If injury does strike, find the closest MultiCare medical tent for immediate, on-site care.

  • Nutrition — Knowing you’ll exert a large amount of physical energy in a short period of time, it’s important to maintain an increased-calorie diet in the days leading up to Hoopfest.Pre-tournament fuel should include protein-packed, carbohydrate-heavy meals that won’t leave you feeling overly full or bloated.Try some of these:
    • Protein smoothies or bars
    • Oatmeal with extra protein such as peanut butter or nuts
    • Whole grain pasta or brown rice and chicken
    • Bananas/apples and peanut butter
    • Turkey sandwiches on wheat bread

Don’t forget to pack some pre- and post-game snacks to keep you fueled during the tournament.

Week of Hoopfest

  • Hydration — We’ve all heard the recommendation to have at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. That’s especially important in prepping for Hoopfest. Make sure you’re staying well hydrated at least 48 to 72 hours before the tournament.

If it’s going to be hot out, consider supplementing with extra electrolyte drinks in the few days before the tournament and throughout the weekend. Make sure you have extra bottles in your bag, too.

Day before Hoopfest

  • Rest up — Don’t overdo it at the gym the day before Hoopfest — try focusing on your stretches and mobility work and give your body a chance to recover before hitting the courts. And, of course, get a good night’s sleep. 
  • Identify your closest medical tent — The last thing we want is for you to get hurt, but we know accidents can happen. In that event, the MultiCare team will be on-site to help all players and spectators. We recommend checking the tournament map once you know your assigned court to identify the nearest medical tent.

Most important, have fun and play hard. The MultiCare team looks forward to Hoopfest and cheering on thousands of players like you every year. See you on the court!

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