Thanks to bariatric surgery, Wesley is off meds, 170 pounds lighter

August 28, 2017 | By Angela Foytack
Wesley Vradenburg lost more than 170 pounds after having bariatric surgery last September.

By Angela Foytack

“I’ve always been a little overweight, but it really got out of hand when I started working in a 911 call center.”

Being at a desk all day in a stressful work environment took a toll on Wesley Vradenburg’s health. At his highest, he weighed in at 370 pounds. He was taking 5-6 pills a day, including high blood pressure medicine, diabetes medicine and antidepressants.

He had thought about weight loss surgery for a few years, but he wasn’t ready to take such a big step.

“Three or four years ago, I wasn’t ready. I wasn’t ready to make the kind of changes needed to be successful,” he says. “My relationship with food now is completely different.”

After plenty of research, he decided to have weight loss surgery on Sept. 2, 2016.

Today, Vradenburg weighs 197 pounds, and is off all medications.

Losing over 170 pounds has allowed him to achieve things that he didn’t think were possible.

“My wife wanted to try skateboarding,” says Vradenburg. “I haven’t been on a skateboard since I was 10. It’s been a lot of fun!”

Vradenburg is looking forward to many more adventures.

“I just did an overnight backpacking trip with my brother eight miles into Snoqualmie National Forest,” he says. “I recently ran a portion of the Special Olympics Law Enforcement Torch Run. It was rough, but I did it. Ten months ago, I would’ve been in the back of an ambulance.”

The MultiCare Center for Weight Loss & Wellness supports you before, during and after the weight loss journey.

Is weight loss surgery right for you? 

Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss