Video urodynamics now available at MultiCare Urology of Tacoma

August 12, 2021 | By Karen Takacs
Two medical professionals looking at a screen with medical results

In July 2021, MultiCare became the only non-military health system in the South Sound region to offer video urodynamics, a state-of-the-art test that provides more accurate diagnoses for patients with urinary dysfunction.

Urodynamic tests are used to diagnose patients who suffer from lower urinary tract symptoms such as incontinence and the inability to fully empty the bladder. They allow doctors to assess how well the bladder fills, holds urine and empties by measuring nerve and muscle function, pressure in and around the bladder and urine flow rates.

Unlike traditional urodynamics, video urodynamics allows a urologist to view the flow of urine through the urinary tract in real time while urinary pressure is being measured. During the procedure, a small catheter is inserted into the urethra to measure pressure while fluoroscopy provides a real-time X-ray “movie” of urinary flow and function so that the urologist can better pinpoint abnormalities.

Viewing the urinary tract in action

Video urodynamics helps doctors more effectively diagnose and treat conditions like overactive bladder, urinary incontinence, urinary obstructions and neurogenic bladder, as well as disorders that might have been missed on prior screenings.

“While traditional urodynamics gives us a lot of information, it doesn’t always reveal what might be causing a bladder obstruction or other difficulties. The video adds another level of sophistication. It allows us to clearly see the urinary tract in action, including the shape of the bladder; any abnormal pouches, growths, or other anatomical obstructions; whether the muscles are working properly to move urine through the system; and any reflux of urine backwards up the urinary track towards the kidneys,” says Jack Walter, MD, a urologist with MultiCare Urology of Tacoma.

What patients can expect during the procedure

For a patient, video urodynamics is very similar to the traditional urodynamics test. The procedure typically takes about an hour and is performed by a specialized nurse and urologist. It can be slightly uncomfortable for some patients but usually isn’t painful.

During the procedure, a thin, flexible catheter is inserted into the urethra to measure pressure. The bladder is then slowly filled with a sterile saline fluid that contains contrast dye. When the patient voids the fluid, the urologist uses fluoroscopy (a series of non-invasive X-rays) to watch it move through the bladder and urethra while urinary pressure is measured.

The procedure is performed with complete privacy for the patient and carries minimal risks and side effects. Detailed test results can often be interpreted by the urologist and shared with the patient right away.

Greater accuracy and convenience

Before the video urodynamics test became available at MultiCare Urology of Tacoma, patients were referred to Seattle to receive it. “This is a great screening study that can really help patients who haven’t been able to find relief from difficult or complex symptoms, or who have unrealized diagnoses that were missed on other studies. And now we’re able to provide enhanced convenience and ease of access for our South Sound patients who haven’t been able to get the test locally,” says Dr. Walter.

If you’d like to learn more about video urodynamics at MultiCare and whether it’s right for you, contact your primary care physician or MultiCare Urology of Tacoma of at 253-301-5100.

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