Wife and husband support each other in weight loss

January 10, 2018 | By Angela Foytack
Wife and husband before and after weightloss
Mary and Richard lost a combined 100-plus pounds through MultiCare's Medical Weight Loss program.

Mary Rhine has battled her weight for as long as she can remember.

“I was a fat baby and a chubby little girl,” Mary says. “I think I was around 180 in high school.”

Mary’s weight fluctuated throughout college and young adulthood, creeping up to 279 pounds. For years as an adult, her weight stayed around 240 pounds.

After having persistent knee trouble, Mary received some cortisone shots and was considering joint replacement — but her orthopedic surgeon recommended the MultiCare Center for Weight Loss and Wellness.

Mary started MultiCare’s Medical Weight Loss program in October 2016. In the past year, she’s lost 40 pounds.

“Her profile has really changed,” says her husband, Richard. “I don’t even recognize her anymore when looking for her in a store aisle.”

Mary was lucky in that she wasn’t experiencing a lot of health issues yet, such as high blood pressure, cholesterol or diabetes, but in addition to the knee pain she was severely deficient in vitamin D.

“One of the benefits of seeing Dr. [Karyn] Harkins was catching that,” says Mary.

And with losing 40 pounds, she has much less pain in her knees.

“Now I may never need a knee replacement,” says Mary.

Richard followed in his wife’s footsteps after he saw her success.

In the fall of 2002, he weighed 320 pounds, with 40 percent body fat and a 56-inch waist.

“I was tired and sluggish much of the time and my wife suggested I get tested for diabetes,” says Richard.

When his A1C test came back with a diabetes diagnosis, Richard’s doctor gave him six months to modify his diet and start exercising. He drastically changed his eating habits and began walking on a regular basis.

In the next year, he lost 110 pounds, getting down to 210 pounds with a 44-inch waist, and his diabetes was resolved.

Richard’s weight crept back up to 225–244 pounds, where it stayed for the next 14 years.

He was still exercising on a regular basis and eating a fairly healthy diet. But in the fall of 2016 after Mary joined MultiCare’s Medical Weight Loss program, Richard asked his doctor for a referral.

“Even though I was on a fairly healthy diet, I was eating more than I should,” says Richard. “And I realized that I was not eating enough fruits and vegetables or drinking enough water.”

He made several modifications such as cutting back on the amount of cereal, bread and white rice he was eating, and started tracking his food intake with an app.

“In one year with the MultiCare program, I am now at 175 pounds, a 36-inch waist, and a medium shirt size for the first time in my adult life,” says Richard.

At 70 years young, Richard is enjoying an active lifestyle.

“I have more energy,” says Richard. “I jog 5.5 miles every other day at Chambers Bay or go to the gym. I feel good.”

Mary and Richard have been supportive of each other’s efforts and regularly exercise either by walking or going to the gym.

With this newfound energy, they’re wasting no time in enjoying new adventures.

“This past year we went to Washington D.C., New Orleans and Chicago,” says Mary. “We did a ton of walking. And next year we’re going to France, Spain and Portugal.”

Learn more about MultiCare’s Medical Weight Loss program

Bariatric Surgery & Weight Loss