SOGI-P Data Collection

Health equity and patient information we collect
At MultiCare, ensuring health equity for all patients is key to fulfilling our mission of partnering for healing and a healthy future. Health equity means all people have the opportunity to receive high-quality, compassionate care based on their needs, regardless of race, ethnicity, disability status, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, and other factors.
Like many other groups, the LGBTQ+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer and/or questioning) community often experiences poor health outcomes and discrimination in health care settings.
In Washington, 5.2 percent of the population — or about 305,000 people — openly identify as LGBTQ+. Others who identify as LGBTQ+ do not always feel safe to disclose their sexuality or gender identity due to fear of discrimination or harm. One way we can provide this community with better care is to include information in each patient’s record about their sexual orientation, gender identity and pronouns (SOGI-P).
At MultiCare, we have proudly supported and implemented SOGI-P data collection since 2019. Designated as a best practice for improving care for the LGBTQ+ community, there are a number of benefits:
- It helps providers give all patients the care that’s right for them.
- It ensures all patients are addressed in a way that makes them most comfortable.
- It allows our health care system to better understand health care issues and disparities experienced by LGBTQ+ patients.
To meet Washington State Department of Health requirements and provide equitable care to all patients, MultiCare will ask questions that may be new to you. While reporting demographic data to the state is mandatory for hospitals, patient participation is voluntary. You are not required to answer these questions.
You get to decide. It’s up to you whether you answer these questions. We must ask them to be compliant with Washington state law (HB 1272), but you are not required to answer. For questions you do not wish to answer, you can reply with “decline” or “pass.”
Why we ask. Your answers to these questions will assist in identifying and addressing health disparities in Washington state. In addition to meeting the Washington State Department of Health’s requirements, our concern and response to this growing crisis runs much deeper. Understanding that some of our families may not see the need to inquire at such a personal level, we have found that asking these questions centered around belonging allows us to combat the effects of depression as well as rising suicide rates within the LGBTQ+ population. Asking these questions initiates the road to belonging for those who may be struggling and feel misunderstood.
Below are some questions you will be asked during scheduling and registration:
- What is your legal name?
- What is your preferred name?
- What sex were you assigned at birth?
- What is your legal sex (gender on ID card)?
- What is your gender identity?
- What pronouns do you use?
MultiCare does not discriminate against any person on the basis of race, color, creed, religion, age, disability, national origin, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, veteran or military status, or any other basis prohibited by federal or state law.
While reporting demographic data to the state is mandatory for hospitals, patient participation is voluntary. Hospitals are required to notify patients that providing this information is voluntary per RCW 43.70.052(6)(a).

Who to contact with questions
If you believe Washington State’s Engrossed Second Substitute House Bill (E2SHB) 1272 (WAC 246-455-025) violates your rights or you have specific questions regarding this law, please contact your legislative representative or Washington State Department of Health at [email protected].
If you believe MultiCare is noncompliant with this law or your rights have been violated at MultiCare due to discriminatory action or bias, please contact MultiCare’s Privacy & Civil Rights Office at [email protected] or 1-866-264-6121.