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Classes & Events

Displaying 31-40 of 55 Events

May 14
May 14
5:30 pm

Infant-Child Safety and CPR Class at Tacoma General Hospital

Learn important safety tips to help keep your little one safe, Infant CPR and how to respond to a choking infant. This class does not offer a certification card.
May 15
May 15
6:30 pm

Newborn Care Class at Good Samaritan Hospital

Newborn Care Class at Good Samaritan Hospital - This one-night class offers an in-depth preparation on what to expect from your newborn and how to best care for him or her when you get home from the hospital.
May 17
May 17
9:00 am

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class - Spokane

The Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby's active role in birth. During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels.
May 17
May 17
10:00 am

Infant CPR - Deaconess Hospital - Spokane

Learn important safety tips to help keep your little one safe, Infant CPR and how to respond to a choking infant. This class does not offer a certification card.
May 24
May 24
10:00 am

Breastfeeding Class - Virtual - Spokane

Like any new skill, breastfeeding takes knowledge and practice to be successful. Our Breastfeeding Classes are taught by our Nurses who are also IBCLC's (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants).
May 25
May 25
9:00 am

Preparing for Childbirth - Deaconess Hospital - Spokane

Preparing for Childbirth will help you prepare for the birth experience you and your coach are striving for.
May 27
May 27
6:30 pm

Baby Basics - Yakima

From diapering to bathing to feeding, there’s so much involved in caring for your newborn.
May 29
May 29
5:00 pm

Breastfeeding Class - Valley Hospital - Spokane

This class includes information on what to expect as your due date draws near, shortly after delivery and those first 6 weeks after your baby is born. Engorgement, pumping, returning to work and many other important topics are covered.
June 4
4:30 pm

2-Day Preparing for Childbirth - Deaconess Hospital - Spokane

This 2-part series of Preparing for Childbirth will help you prepare for the birth experience you and your coach are striving for.
Jun 21
June 21
9:00 am

Preparing for Childbirth - Deaconess Hospital - Spokane

Preparing for Childbirth will help you prepare for the birth experience you and your coach are striving for.
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