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Jun 28

Breastfeeding Class – Virtual – Spokane


June 28 at 10:00AM




Meghan Terry



Like any new skill, breastfeeding takes knowledge and practice to be successful. Our Breastfeeding Classes are taught by our Nurses who are also IBCLC's (International Board Certified Lactation Consultants). They have over 50 years of combined years assisting mother's during Labor, Delivery and the Post Partum period. They are dedicated to assisting mom's and babies learning how to breastfeed and understand that it can be difficult at times, but when it all comes together it is a wonderful experience for both.

Topic we will cover: Skin to Skin (The Golden Hour), 5 Keys to a good latch, how to recognize infant hunger cues and what they are, returning to work- when to start pumping for transition back to work, possible complications and difficulties in the early days of breastfeeding, use of pacifiers and answer any questions you have.

Our childbirth classes have been created for our Inland Northwest MultiCare families as we partner with you during your birthing experience.

**All participants will be emailed a link once your registration is confirmed**

Cost: FREE