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Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class – Spokane
Apr 5

Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class – Spokane


April 5 at 9:00AM


800 W. 5th Ave, Spokane, WA


Meghan Terry




Spinning Babies® Birth Preparation Class

Taught by Laura Kaiser, RN

Spinning Babies®Parent Educator

The Birth Preparation Class highlights your baby's active role in birth. During labor the baby needs to pass through the three levels of the pelvis. Learn techniques to help your pelvis and its muscles that support or restrict your pelvic levels. Together, you and your birth partner can use these techniques before and during labor to help “make room for baby!” Spinning Babies® reveals how the baby can find optimal positions for labor, and make birth less painful, and even pleasurable!

This class is for expectant parents only.

Baby's job in labor is to rotate!

  • Learn about Spinning Babies® Techniques
  • Daily Essential Activities
  • The Three BalancesSM help birth muscles to relax and add comfort now to ease birth later
  • Birth Positions that open the pelvis that let the baby come through more easily

What to bring?

  • Yoga mat if you have one
  • Pillow and/or yoga bolster
  • Bring your birth partner to learn how to help you in pregnancy for comfort in labor and birth

What to wear?

  • Comfortable clothes that allow freedom of movement (think yoga!)


Registration is $75.00

Payment is accepted via Visa/Mastercard Credit/Debit card only.

In accordance with Spinning Babies anti-racism and anti-oppression free scholarships are available to BIPOC individuals, please email [email protected] for details. Additionally, please also send an email if there are extenuating circumstances and you would like to be considered for a class scholarship.

Refunds will be issued if you cancel within 7 days of the class, the educator needs to cancel, or if you go into labor, have pregnancy complications or get admitted to the hospital.