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MultiCare Rockwood Clinic Healthy Behavior & Function Clinic

300 East 5th Ave, Floor 1 North, Spokane, WA 99202
Get Directions
Phone: 509-342-3304
Fax: 509-342-3330
General Hours
Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

Make an Appointment

Comprehensive, compassionate treatment

At MultiCare Rockwood Clinic, our Healthy Behavior and Function Clinic is committed to helping anyone age 18+ who is struggling with substance use by providing destigmatized comprehensive and compassionate care.

Our clinic is Washington State Health Care Authority’s designated Hub and Spoke (H&S) program in Spokane County, in which we collaborate with several local agencies to provide a coordinated response for treating patients with opioid use disorders. This collaborative approach offers services such as counseling, inpatient SUD treatment, outpatient SUD treatment, withdrawal management services, and nurse care management.

Our goal is to reduce or eliminate barriers to treatment and find ways to smoothly transition patients to needed services. Our comprehensive treatment programs are tailored to meet the unique needs of each patient. Understanding that substance use disorders can affect anyone, at any point in life, our substance use disorder services are available for all patients, including during pregnancy.

Conditions we treat

We offer medication treatment for many types of substance use disorders, but mostly opioid (OUD) and tobacco (TUD) use disorders.

Your treatment team may consist of trained addiction experts including physicians, advanced practice practitioners, nurses, substance use disorder professionals (SUDPs), social workers, patient care coordinators, medical assistants, and peer support specialists.


  • Compassionate and destigmatized care
  • Harm reduction services and resources
  • Overdose education and access to naloxone (Narcan)
  • Testing for HIV, syphilis and Hep C
  • Treatment for Hepatitis C
  • Basic immunizations (influenza, Tdap, Hep A, Hep B, Twinrix)
  • Encouragement of healthy habits for eating, sleeping, and mental health
  • Referrals for medical and dental services
  • Referrals for housing and employment

Learn more about Addiction Services at MultiCare