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November 28, 2023
MultiCare receives 15th consecutive ‘Most Wired’ award

Nurse working at computer station in hospital

TACOMA, Wash. — For the 15th consecutive year, MultiCare Health System was named a “Most Wired” U.S. health care organization by the College of Healthcare Information Management Executives (CHIME).

The CHIME digital health “Most Wired” award program conducts an annual survey to assess how effectively health care organizations use technology to improve care. MultiCare was one of more than 55,000 care sites — including approximately 40 percent of U.S. acute care hospitals — participating in the 2023 survey.

MultiCare has been at the forefront of implementing technology in patient care. Most recently, the organization rolled out Moxi robots in several hospitals to help nurses with everyday tasks to allow them to spend more time with patients. Additionally, MultiCare Deaconess Hospital in Spokane is piloting a virtual nursing program designed for nurses to handle patient admissions, medicine list collections and provide discharge instructions virtually.

“This award is a reflection of the awesome team and partnership across MultiCare as we continue to push the boundaries of technology to help our staff spend more time with our patients while delivering exceptional care at our hospitals and clinics,” said Bradd Busick, senior vice president and chief information officer at MultiCare.

The “Most Wired” program ranks health care organizations from level 1 – 10 across four categories: acute, ambulatory, long-term care and international acute, as they apply. The highest levels recognize organizations that drive innovation and apply leading information technology practices.

MultiCare ranked as level 9 in the ambulatory and acute-care categories, demonstrating they have deployed technologies and strategies to analyze data and achieve meaningful clinical and efficiency outcomes.

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