Eyelid Surgery
Over time, the aging process takes a toll on the skin around a person’s upper and lower eyelids, causing them to become droopy, loose and wrinkled. In some instances, baggy eyelids can also interfere with vision. If sagging skin around the eyes is one of your cosmetic concerns, blepharoplasty can help.
Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, is primarily an elective cosmetic procedure, but may also be reconstructive if your eye doctor believes excess skin is blocking your vision and causing difficulty with reading or driving. This procedure is designed to remove sagging and excess skin around the eyelids.
What benefits can blepharoplasty give me?
Eyelid surgery can provide several benefits, including:
- Reducing droopy skin around eyelids
- Improving vision (if eyelids were obstructing your view)
- Creating a more youthful appearance
- Increasing confidence
While blepharoplasty does not eliminate crow’s feet and other facial wrinkles, eyelid surgery can be performed in conjunction with other cosmetic procedures such as laser skin resurfacing or an eyebrow lift.
What can I expect during a blepharoplasty procedure?
Eyelid surgery is typically an outpatient procedure, rarely requiring an overnight stay. Your surgeon will use general anesthesia or a combination of local anesthesia and a sedative. During the procedure, incisions will be made along the natural line of your eyelid. Excess skin and fat will be removed, with stitches closing the incisions.
What can I expect during recovery?
After the procedure, it is normal to experience bruising and swelling, with stitches remaining in place for up to one week. You can expect to have an improved appearance within two weeks of your blepharoplasty procedure.
Is blepharoplasty right for me?
To determine whether or not eyelid surgery is the right procedure for you, schedule a consultation with one of our board-certified specialists. During your visit, your doctor will speak with you about the goals you have for your appearance, discuss your options and determine the best decision for your treatment.
In addition to deciding on your treatment plan, your plastic surgeon will also ask you about your medical history. Bring a list of medications, supplements and vitamins you take, and have a list prepared of the questions or concerns you may have. Being open with our specialists is key to a safe and successful blepharoplasty.
A consultation is required prior to any plastic surgery procedure. A $75 consultation fee will be charged and applied towards the total cost of surgery if the procedure is cosmetic in nature. However, insurance may cover procedures that improve the vision due to excess skin obstructing your periphery. The cost of services will be discussed during your consultation and discounts may be available if more than one procedure is performed at the same time.

Vivian’s Story
For Vivian Campbell, plastic surgery was about more than looking good. It was about seeing well.
Campbell had blepharoplasty, commonly known as an eyelid lift, with Christine Puig, MD, when she realized her sagging lids were impeding her vision. “I recognized that I was struggling to see well when I was driving,” Campbell says. “My peripheral vision had some significant impairment related to my eyelids.”