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Treatments & Procedures

At MultiCare, our urology team has expertise in a wide range of diagnostic methods and treatments. Our goal is to devise a treatment plan that relieves your symptoms, supports your long-term health and meets your personal goals.

Our urology professionals collaborate with specialists across MultiCare, including oncologists, urogynecologists and other professionals to help you achieve the best possible outcome. Learn more about some of the urological tests, treatments and procedures we provide.

Diagnostic tests and procedures

Your urology care team may use a variety of methods to diagnose and evaluate your condition. Common tests include:

  • Lab tests that measure blood, urine or semen
  • Medical imaging tests such as ultrasound, MRI or fluoroscopy
  • Diagnostic procedures such as biopsies, which take a sample of tissue to detect diseases like cancer

Sometimes medical imaging may be combined with other tests or procedures to improve the accuracy of tissue sampling or the detection of abnormalities. For example, MRI-ultrasound fusion biopsy is a procedure that enhances our ability to determine the difference between slow-growing types of prostate cancer — which may not require treatment — and more aggressive types of prostate cancer.

To diagnose urinary problems, your care team may also request urodynamic testing, which measures how well the bladder and other parts of the urinary tract store and release urine. Common types of urodynamic testing include:


This test measures the amount of urine you release and the speed of your urine flow. Your doctor or other health care provider may recommend this test if you have difficulty urinating or a weak or slow urine stream.

Post-void residual (PVR) urine testing

This test measures how much urine is left in your bladder after you urinate. Your provider may recommend PVR urine testing if you’re having difficulty fully emptying your bladder.


This test measures the pressure inside your bladder, the quantity of urine your bladder can hold and how full it is when you feel the urge to urinate. Your provider may use cystometry to diagnose a variety of urinary concerns, such as incontinence.

Video urodynamic testing

This test combines several types of urodynamic testing into one so your provider can evaluate urine flow and pressure at the same time. Video urodynamics can help doctors and other health care providers diagnose conditions like overactive bladder, urinary incontinence and urinary obstructions.


Sometimes surgery is the best solution for treating a urological problem or meeting your reproductive needs. Whenever possible, we use minimally invasive techniques like robotic-assisted surgery that rely on the use of multiple smaller incisions or natural openings in the body, rather than one large incision.

Minimally invasive approaches can help patients recover more quickly with less pain. Your doctor or other health care provider will work closely with you to determine the specific surgery and surgical method best suited for your situation.

Common urological surgeries we perform:

Medical icon

MultiCare’s urology teams have expertise in a variety of techniques and types of surgery. As a medical field, urological surgery is constantly evolving, and we focus on staying up to date with advancements in technology and patient care to help you achieve the best possible outcome.

Learn More About Urologic Surgery

Nonsurgical treatments

Depending on your diagnosis, nonsurgical approaches may be a part of your treatment plan. Common nonsurgical treatment options include:

Medications and injections

Your provider may prescribe oral medications such as antibiotics or drugs intended to relieve pain and inflammation. Intravesical Botox injections can help treat voiding dysfunctions like overactive bladder by blocking faulty nerve signals that influence urinary frequency.

Hormone therapy

Low testosterone levels can affect muscle and bone mass, sex drive and sperm production. Testosterone replacement therapy is a form of hormone therapy that can help elevate low testosterone levels.

Nerve stimulation therapies

These therapies, also known as neuromodulation, stimulate specific nerves to improve bladder control. Nerve stimulation can be effective in treating some voiding dysfunctions. We offer both sacral nerve stimulation and posterior tibial nerve stimulation.

Rezum water vapor therapy

Used to treat enlarged prostate (also known as benign prostatic hyperplasia), this treatment involves injecting steam into the prostate to remove tissue that could be blocking or narrowing the urethra.

Cancer care

Nonsurgical treatment options for urological cancers may include chemotherapy, radiation and immunotherapy.

Lifestyle changes

Sometimes lifestyle changes — such as modifying your dietary habits, losing weight, limiting alcohol and caffeine consumption, among others — can be helpful in managing urinary problems.

Find care

Browse our locations and leading specialists in urology across the Pacific Northwest. You may need a referral from your primary care provider before scheduling an appointment.