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Expirables for the Medical Staff Credentialing Office

What are expirables?

At MultiCare Health System, expirables include a practitioner’s:

  • License to practice
  • Malpractice insurance
  • DEA certification
  • Board certification

Medical Staff bylaws at each MultiCare entity require practitioners to maintain current expirables at all times. Failure to renew license or insurance will result in the suspension of medical staff privileges at the MultiCare entity (ies) until renewal is verified by the MultiCare Health System Credentialing Office. The MultiCare Health System Credentialing Office (MSO) staff monitors expiration dates and request renewals from practitioners prior to expiration. All practitioners on staff at an MHS entity must provide the (MSO) staff with renewed credentials or certificates PRIOR to expiration. The process for each expirable is outlined below.


  • Renewals must be primary source verified directly with the licensing board by the Medical Staff Credentialing Office (MSO).
  • Every month, the MSO staff mail out a reminder letter notifying the practitioner that their license is due to expire the following month.
  • The day after license expiration, membership and privileges are suspended and practitioners cannot work at the entity until the MSO staff verifies renewal directly with the licensing board.
  • If the expiration date falls on a weekend or a holiday, privileges will be suspended the Friday prior to the expiration date.

Malpractice insurance

  • A copy of the renewed malpractice insurance certification must be received by the MSO staff prior to expiration.
  • MSO staff review a monthly list of practitioners who malpractice insurance will expire within the next 30 days.
  • The day after malpractice insurance expiration all MHS entities are notified of those practitioners who have not submitted a renewed insurance certificate to the expirables office. Privileges are suspended and practitioners cannot work at the entity until the MSO staff receives a copy of current malpractice insurance.
  • If the expiration date falls on a weekend or a holiday, privileges will be suspended the Friday prior to the expiration date.

DEA certificate

  • Copy of renewed DEA certificate must be received by the MSO staff prior to expiration.
  • MSO staff review a monthly list of practitioners whose DEA certificate will expire within the next 30 days.
  • DEA registration website is accessed to determine what DEA registrations have been renewed.
  • The day after the DEA certificate expiration all MHS entities are notified of those practitioners who have not submitted a renewed certificate to the expirables office.  Prescriptive authority is suspended and practitioners cannot prescribe medications at the entity until the MSO staff receives a copy of current DEA certification.
  • If the expiration date falls on a weekend or a holiday, prescriptive authority will be suspended the Friday prior to the expiration date.

Board certification

  • Renewals must be primary source verified directly with the certifying board by the Medical Staff Credentialing Office.
  • If your boards expire or lapse, please contact the Medical Staff Office in which you hold privileges to notify them of your certification and to receive further instructions.