Refer a Patient in the Olympia Region
These referral documents were created to help health care providers refer patients to MultiCare’s clinics and services.

How to refer
- Submit via EpicCare Link
- See referral guides
- For Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital & Health Network call 855-647-1010 (for direct admits or transfers)
Specialties and services
MultiCare Capital Ear, Nose & Throat – Inspire Therapy or Hypoglossal Nerve Stimulation
To refer a patient to any of our services, call us at 253-301-6500. Regular communication between our team and you ensures we are helping you provide the right care for your patient at all times.
The patient will be contacted by a registered nurse and/or social worker to schedule an admission evaluation within 24 hours if the initial referral is made Monday – Friday, and by the next business day if made on a weekend.
Our team includes an on-staff medical director, so we are able to make any urgent medical decisions for our patients as necessary. It is always our goal to work closely with our patients’ own doctors and other members of their health care team. Part of our admissions process includes understanding the patient’s current medical treatment plan so that we can support the care goals you and your patient have set together.