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Sexual Health

Take charge of your sexual health

Maintaining your sexual health is about more than just preventing and treating sexually transmitted infections (STIs). It means taking the time to understand your body, learning what’s normal for you and reaching out to a health care provider when needed. Attending to your sexual health is key to your overall well-being.

At MultiCare, our gynecologists, nurse practitioners and midwives work with you to build a trusting relationship so you can comfortably ask questions or discuss problems. Whether you are facing a possible infection, have a concern about sexual functioning or just want to stay informed, we’re available to help.

What we treat

Our providers treat a wide range of concerns. If you are experiencing any of the following, we encourage you to make an appointment:

Painful intercourse. Painful intercourse shouldn’t be the norm. The source of pain during intercourse could be the onset of menopause, cysts, muscle contractions, infections or endometriosis among other issues. Our providers can help find and treat any underlying causes.

Odor, burning or painful discharge. Vaginal discharge of this kind is a sign of infection. It may be due to bacterial vaginosis, the most common vaginal condition in people ages 15 to 44. Bacterial vaginosis is detected with laboratory testing and easily treated with antibiotics.

Difficulty conceiving. If you have been trying to get pregnant for at least 12 months without success (or six months if you are over 35), it’s time to seek help. Infertility can be caused by factors like sperm shape and count, or by hormonal changes affecting ovulation. Treatment options range from medicines to surgery. We can guide you through this experience and explore medical options for increasing your chances of conception.

Lumps, bumps or changes in the breast. If you notice a change to your breast tissue, it’s important to consult with your doctor because it could be a sign of breast cancer. Bumps and other changes can also be caused by benign growths and viral infections, such as genital warts. Don’t put off seeking care — our providers can help diagnose the underlying problem and refer you to specialty care as needed.

Sores, blisters, warts and discharge. Changes to the skin in the groin or on the genitals can indicate an STI. Some common STIs are easily cured with antibiotics, such as syphilis and chlamydia, and others, while not curable, are treatable with medications. Our providers can test for all common STIs.

Reduce your risk, safeguard your health

Prevention and preparation are at the heart of maintaining your sexual health across the lifespan. Talk with your health care provider about your risk for STIs. Using condoms, getting vaccinations for human papillomavirus (HPV) or hepatitis B, and practicing safe sex can support your long-term health.

Pregnancy is also an important concern for sexual health. Whether you want to prevent a pregnancy or prepare for one, we offer a wide range of medical options to help you achieve your goals.

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