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2023 INW Recipients

Big Table

Program: Operation Stable Home, Stable Family: A Big Table & MultiCare Collaboration

Big Tables cares for those working in the restaurant and hospitality industry. Funds will be used to provide housing security to those in the restaurant and hospitality industry. With the goal of staying in housing or getting into housing, recipients will receive financial support to help with down payments, deposits, application fees, overdue rent, mortgage, etc.

Category: Housing Operations

Carl Maxey Center

Program: Cultural Peer Counseling

Cultural Peer Counseling specifically addresses and accomplishes the BIPOC community mental wellness support to include suicide prevention, opioid awareness, domestic violence and family support from trusted community members and community resources, living their best lives in personal relationships and unhindered by the shackles of systemic racism. Funding will be used for training and operating costs.

Category: Behavioral Health/Domestic Violence Operations

Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington

Program: Removing Barriers to Permanent Housing for Domestic Violence Survivors

Catholic Charities of Eastern Washington will serve St. Margaret’s Transitional Shelter clients who have fled domestic violence and are experiencing homelessness. Funds will help clients among this group for when the primary barrier to exiting homelessness is not having funds to pay for initial, one-time move-in costs for rental deposits, application fees, pet fees, ID and other one-time costs. Funds are not used for ongoing rental assistance.

Category: Housing/Domestic Violence

Communities in Schools of Spokane County

Program: Operations Support for Trauma-Focused Student Support

Communities in Schools of Spokane County (CISWA) has developed school-level trauma-informed programs promoting group based support at many school-based sites across Spokane County. CISWA developed training and self-care programs for staff working closely with students and families exposed to trauma and created a program for supervising practicum students from Eastern Washington University. Funds will be used for operating support of the Mental Health Program Manager.

Category: Behavioral Health Operations

FailSafe for Life

Program: Rural Suicide Prevention

Funding will provide two Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training workshops to rural communities within MultiCare’s service area. This program helps participants learn the skills of how to recognize, ask, listen, and work to move them toward safety, assess the risk and how to collaborateively create a plan to keep that person safe.

Category: Intentional Harm/Behavioral Health Program

Family Promise of Spokane

Program: Family Healing House

The Family Healing House is a specialized respite location for families experiencing homelessness. This offers medical providers a safe and dignified place to discharge patients and families, allowing them the necessary space to heal, recover and rest. Funds will be used to cover rent, utilities and staff salaries of the site.

Category: Housing Operations

Hispanic Business Professional Association of Spokane dba Nuestras Raíces Centro Comunitario (Our Roots Community Center)

Program: Esperanza (HOPE)

Esperanza is a culturally and linguistically attuned social and wellness program that optimizes health for Hispanic/Latinx community members and beyond. The program offers social support as well as hospital discharge and transitional support for patients in need of follow-up, help establishing primary care, wrap-around services, housing assistance and food support. Funds will go to help pay for one of two case managers who directly assist Hispanic/Latine indivdiuals and families.

Category: Behavioral Health/Housing Operations

Lutheran Community Services NW

Program: Community-Based Advocacy for Survivors of Intentional Injury: Sexual Assault and Traumatice Crime

Funds will be used for general operating and program support for the Lutheran Community Services NW Victim Advocacy and Education Program, which provides free medical and legal advocacy services for vulnerable people throughout the community. This program will help survivors of sexual assault and other traumatic crime to receive 24/7 in-person response, meet non-critical follow-up medical needs through primary care providers/clinics rather than emergency departments and will promote good mental and physical health.

Category: Intentional Harm/Behavioral Health

MiA Mujeres in Action

Program: Mente y Corazón – Mental Health Services
MiA provides culturally-specific services primarily to Latine and Hispanic survivors of domestic violence and/or sexual assault in Spokane County and the surrounding region. Funds will help underwrite the upfront costs related to providing therapy services to insured survivors.

Category: Domestic Violence/Behavioral Health Operations

Partners with Families & Children

Program: From Hurt to Hope

Partners with Families & Children’s mission is to prevent, interrupt and repair cycles of abuse and neglect within families. Funding will support medical intervention, mental health services and assistance in access services such as primary care and advocacy.

Category: Behavioral Health/Intentional Harm

Salvation Army of Spokane

Program: Renewing Hope-Transitional Housing for Survivors of Crime, Sex Trafficking and Domestic Violence

Funds will support a specific portion of the Salvation Army’s Shelter and Housing Program: Renewing Hope. There are six units designated specifically for victims of crime and human trafficking. This program will provide survivors with transitional housing and crisis intervention services for up to 24 months.<

Category: Housing Program

Spokane Regional Domestic Violence Coalition

Program: Community Education and Support

Funding will be used for a domestic violence survivors support group. The primary focus of the sessions are to provide education and awareness on different topics: dynamics and impacts of abuse, personal rights and boundaries, and dynamics of healthy relationships in collaboration with other community organizations

Category: Domestic Violence/Behavioral Health Operations/Program

Transitional Programs for Women

Program: Reducing Women’s Homelessness in Downtown Spokane

Transitions’ Women’s Hearth is a shelter space for women experiencing homelessness and poverty. Funds will help with salary and benefits for key stabilizing service positions of a daily operations coordinator, housing navigators and housing data specialist.

Category: Behavioral Health/Housing

Vanessa Behan Crisis Nursery

Program: Respite Care to Alleviate Toxic Stress

Funds will provide training for the house parents that care for the children experiencing toxic stress. Vanessa Behan provides “enriched care” which is a staffing ratio of one adult to every child. House parents are the very essence of what is needed to diminish a child’s experience with toxic stress.

Category: Behavioral Health/Housing Operations

YWCA Spokane

Program: Behavioral Healthcare for Low Income Domestic Violence Survivors

The YWCA Spokane provides behavioral health and therapeutic support to survivors of domestic violence which includes 24-hour crisis helpline and emergency shelter, housing assistance, safety planning and advocacy, civil legal assistance, legal advocacy, financial education and free drop-in childcare. Funds will pay for behavioral health clinician time as they provide therapy to under and uninsured patients.

Category: Behavioral Health Program