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Refer a Patient in the Puget Sound Region

These referral documents were created to help health care providers refer patients to MultiCare’s clinics and services.

How to refer

Specialties and services

We are committed to making the referral process as easy as possible for our partner providers. If you need additional information or resources please contact the following members of our team:

Meghan Reno, Surgical Weight Loss Clinic Manager
Phone: 253-301-5280 | Email

Marie Toves, Medical Weight Loss Clinic Manager
Phone: 253-301-5280 | Email

Phone directory

MultiCare Home Health & Hospice provides services throughout Pierce, Kitsap and South King counties. Our home health and hospice staff are specialists in providing care to patients in all outpatient settings, including their own home, an adult family home, a retirement home or an assisted living facility. Our hospice services are also available to patients in the hospital.

Palliative care is available through MultiCare’s Palliative Care Services.

How to make a referral

To refer a patient to any of our services, call us at 253-301-6500 or 888-516-4505.

Hospice: The patient will be contacted by a registered nurse and/or social worker to schedule an admission evaluation within 24 hours if the initial referral is made Monday – Friday, and by the next business day if made on a weekend.

Home Health: The patient will be contacted by a registered nurse, physical therapist, occupational therapist or speech language pathologist depending on what your doctor or other provider ordered. The clinician will schedule your admission evaluation within 48 hours of our office receiving a completed referral.

MultiCare Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

To refer a patient, call our medical imaging scheduling department at 253-792-6220 or complete a referral form below. Download a list of locations and services.

Fax completed forms to our scheduling department at 253-792-6230.

The completed order form must include:

  • Written diagnosis/reason/symptom for the exam
  • Exam ordered
  • Referring provider name and signature
  • Patient name
  • Patient date of birth
  • Patient insurance information

To request prior imaging studies, please contact the records management department at 253-403-2302 (Fax: 253-403-1574). Open 7 days a week, 24 hours a day.

MultiCare Occupational Medicine

MultiCare Palliative Care

Pacific Northwest PACE Partners

MultiCare Specialty Pharmacy supports adult and pediatric patients from any clinic who need a specialty medication. See the following resources to learn more about the medications we provide and how to send a prescription to our team.

For more information, please call the MultiCare Specialty Pharmacy team at 253-403-8326.

Good Samaritan Hospital (Puyallup)